Monday, June 04, 2007

Barry and the Lunar Eclipse of March 3, 2007

On April 2nd of this year the Weather Alternative issued
a long-range weather forecast for the U.S. East Coast saying that on June 5-8, 2007
The opposition between the Sun and Jupiter will trigger the lunar eclipse of March 3, 2007, affecting the coastal areas of North and South Carolina between 77 and 79 West Longitude and 33 North Latitude. Its influence extends northward through New Jersey. The warm influence, characteristic of Sun-Jupiter alignments, and high velocity winds, indicated by aspects between Jupiter and Uranus (also present at this time), carry the potential for severe weather over this area, which may be tropical in nature.
On June 3rd and 4th, the remnants of former Tropical Storm Barry hit the area I had slated for possible tropical activity starting on June 5th. In some respects to be off a couple of days when issuing a forecast from as far back as April is not bad. But from an astro-meteorological stand point, what caused the discrepancy between the time I used and Barry's actual arrival?
When dealing with the effects of Solar Eclipses on the weather, I have very successfully used a timing device for ascertaining when the Solar Eclipse will be activated, which is as follows:
Approximately 3 months after the Solar Eclipse, the sun will reach the 90 degree mark in relation to the degree of the eclipse. The exact times can be ascertained from an ephemeris or computer program. For example, if the zodiacal degree of the eclipse were, say, 5 degrees Aries, three months later, when the sun reaches 5 degrees Cancer, the eclipse would be activated.
I've been faithful to apply this to Solar Eclipses, but when judging the Lunar Eclipse and the possible tropical activity it indicated along the East Coast, I did not apply this rule. I was considering the Sun-Jupiter opposition to be the trigger. Had I done so, I would have used June 3rd as the starting date since that is when the sun reached the 90 degree mark of the March 3rd Lunar Eclipse. I am now older and wiser.
To follow along with the next long-range forecasts, click on the links below.
Click here for Hurricane Season 2007

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