Thursday, November 30, 2006

Windy Weather Coming!

Click here for the Introduction to The Weather Alternative

Our sun and its celestial entourage constitute an amazing piece of machinery whose order and unfailing precision certainly make one think of intelligent design over random stellar evolution.

As far back as Genesis chapter 1, the sun, moon, and stars were given the role of a celestial timepiece to be for signs, seasons, days, and years. In other words, they have a practical function other than inspiring awe in humankind. The practical purpose of the sun and moon are well known. God obviously intended the sun to provide us with the heat, light, and food necessary to sustain life on earth in addition to providing those beautiful sunsets. Beside inspiring lovers to stroll beneath its silvery beams, the moon, of course, controls the ocean’s tides as well as regulating the rhythms of certain life forms.

Now it would stand to reason that the other heavenly bodies of our solar system have some practical function as well. Many brilliant minds throughout history have equated terrestrial weather patterns with celestial phenomena. Johannes Kepler, the 17th century astronomer and discoverer of the planetary laws of motion, first achieved fame due to his long-range weather forecasts based on planetary positions. Since planetary phenomena can be calculated years in advance, their effect on weather patterns can be known long before conventional meteorological forecasts can detect them if we follow Kepler’s method.

For centuries the planet Mercury has been equated with wind direction and velocity. When aligned with Mars, storms and whipping winds ensue. One of the last alignments between Mercury and Mars occurred on September 15, 2006. Based on this configuration, I prepared a forecast in December 2005 that was published in the July 2006 edition of Dell Horoscope calling for windy and stormy conditions over the Mississippi Valley. The result was strong gusty winds over the area. (Click here to see forecast results)

The next alignment between Mercury and Mars takes place on December 9, 2006. The atmosphere should once again respond with gusty winds and storms roughly from the 9th to the 11th. This time a few areas of the country should feel this influence. Windy conditions should push ashore over the West Coast and advance toward the Rockies. The Plains area should respond with gusty winds as should the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast.

It never ceases to amaze me how the Creator included in his handiwork a built-in and environmentally safe weather forecast system for our benefit. Good thinking!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Severe Weather for the Plains

Click here for the Introduction to The Weather Alternative

In fulfillment of my long-range weather forecast that appeared in the July 2006 edition of Dell Horoscope (see forecast), the Plains are rockin' and reelin' as a powerful cold front slides eastward through Wisconsin, Lake Michigan, Illinois, and Missouri.

The forecast called for severe weather over Missouri and Iowa. Today the Weather Channel confirms this, "Cloudbursts and thunderstorms, some severe (at least in Illinois and Missouri), will accompany the front."

The forecast also called for more weather woes for the West Coast. Accuweather reported the following yesterday:

Arctic Blast Follows the Snow and Rain
Arctic air that had been bottled up across Alaska and Canada's Yukon Territory pressed into Washington and Oregon Sunday and will continue to grip the Northwest through Wednesday before following the storm system to the east.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

November 28-30, 2006

Click here for the Introduction to The Weather Alternative

Here's a forecast of mine that was published in the July 2006 edition of Dell Horoscope:

Nov. 28-30, 2006:

This period boasts a double whammy as Mercury squares Neptune, and Mars squares Saturn. Atmospheric disturbances will develop over the Plains as warm, moist air collides with its cold, dry counterpart. An outbreak of deadly weather is indicated over Missouri and Iowa. More weather woes are also in store for the West Coast States. Additional tropical moisture is pumped into the area and should ignite storms producing flash floods.