The accompanying Weather Channel map for Nov 26, shows a strong low pressure area over the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. The long-range forecast for Nova Scotia and Newfoundland stated Strong storms and high winds are slated to hit these areas now.
The following weather warnings were posted yesterday (Nov 25) by Canada's weather service.
A vigorous frontal trough of low pressure will cross Nova Scotia during the day Wednesday. East to southeasterly winds gusting to 100 km/h from Margaree Harbour to bay st. Lawrence are expected to develop Wednesday afternoon or evening.
This is a warning that potentially hazardous winds are expected or occurring in the Wreckhouse area of southwestern Newfoundland. Monitor weather conditions..Listen for updated statements.
A low pressure system will develop off Cape Cod early Wednesday and move to lie near Sable Island by evening. Strong southeasterly winds of 90 gusting to 150 km/h will develop in the Wreckhouse area on Wednesday evening ahead of a warm front associated with the low.
As far as the storm system to hit the Pacific Northwest, the Accuweather map at right for Wednesday, Nov 26th shows a low-pressure system hitting southern California. According to Accuweather, Subtropical moisture will continue to be forced northeastward into the Southwestern states on Wednesday as a storm in the upper levels of the atmosphere sits just off the California coast...Mudslides are a concern across parts of California where there has been recent fire, especially over the hilly terrain as there will be little, if any, vegetation to prevent massive erosion.
The forecast, however, called for a storm to hit the Pacific Northwest, not southern California. The Accuweather map at left shows that some rain will affect the Pacific Northwest on the 27th.
Solar Eclipse Activation Fall 2008 Part 1
August's Lunar Eclipse and November's Storm
November 2008 Forecasts
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made
An astrologer foretold the death of a lady whom Louis XI passionately loved. She did, in fact, die; & the King imagined that the prediction of the astrologer was the cause of it. He sent for the man, intending to have him thrown through the window, as a punishment. "Tell me, thou pretendest to be so clever & learned a man, what thy fate will be?"
The soothsayer, who suspected the intrigues of the King, & knew his foibles, replied: "Sire, I foresee that I shall die three days before your Majesty."
The King believed him, & was careful of the astrologer's life.