Here are a number of long-range weather forecasts for November 2007. The forecasts are based on planetary cycles.
Nov 1-3
The National Weather Service will be posting Winter Storm Warnings at this time for the Pacific Northwest as a powerful low-pressure system cranks up off shore and heads inland. Mercury, often equated with strong winds and cold fronts, is one of the main players as it turns direct now after about a three week period of retrograde motion.
Nov 1-3
A cold front triggers storms over the Northeast.
Nov 1-3
Possible tropical storm or hurricane formation between 35 and 43 west and around 16 north at this time.
Nov 5-6
The Last Quarter Moon phase focuses the explosive energies of the square between Venus and Pluto over the Plains. The storms will push toward the Mississippi Valley.
Nov 5-7 and 9-12
Possible tropical storm or hurricane formation about 450 miles northeast of Puerto Rico in and around 63 west longitude and 24 north latitude based on the Venus-Pluto square. This is triggered once again between the 9th and 12th.
Nov 5-8
Another storm system moves in to the Pacific Northwest. By the 8th, fair but colder conditions embrace the area.
Nov 8-10
A windy low-pressure system affects the eastern Great Lakes and pushes through New England.
Nov 8-11
Weather in the Plains remains active. The northern states in and around the Dakotas and Minnesota are the focal point for severe storms as the ingredients necessary to generate a strong atmospheric disturbance should be present in generous amounts.
Nov 9-12
Changes are underway for the Rockies. The Sun affects the 105th meridian through the eastern Rockies as it forms aspects with Pluto and Neptune. The cold factor represented by Pluto and the warm and moist factors shown by Neptune should provide the necessary clashing of atmospheric conditions to produce a low-pressure system over the Rockies. Heavy precipitation is possible especially in and around Nevada.
Nov 12-14
More cold air sweeps into the Northeast generating storms.
Nov 14-19Mars now begins its retrograde movement and is placed along 111 west longitude through the Rockies. At the beginning of this period, on the 14th and 15th, the Moon will give Mars a shove. Not a good thing to do to the warrior planet. Mars will most likely respond by turning up the heat. Whereas Mars usually corresponds to heat and dryness, since Mars is in the water sign Cancer, this may result in heat and humidity instead leading to storms.
The 16th through the 19th indicates a strong storm center generating a windy state of affairs over the northern Rockies. The forecast period ends with Venus squaring the now retrograde Mars with severe weather centering over the Colorado-New Mexico area.
Nov 15-19
Mars' Retrograde station will turn up the heat and humidity over the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, which may lead to stormy conditions there. Severe weather is indicated over the Bahamas now, perhaps of a tropical nature, which could be drawn northward towards North Carolina.
Nov 16-19
The West Coast States will endure more rain and wind as a southerly air flow feeds moisture into a low-pressure system.
Nov 16-19
Around the 16th storms invade the Plains region. At the end of the forecast period the disruptive energies of the Venus-Mars square converge on the central U.S. states of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas where dangerous storms are likely.
Nov 16-19
A low-pressure system, probably located near Quebec, will affect the New England area
Nov 21-22
The parade of wet weather for the West Coast continues as another storm system is ushered into the area.
Nov 23-25
Another stormy period for the Rockies is shown this time by Mercury's square to Neptune, which has taken up residence over the Rockies during autumn.
Nov 23-25
Cold Canadian air will make its way southward and ignite storms over the central U.S. Moisture from the Gulf is available now creating storms over the southern portions of Texas as it is drawn northward into the southern Plains.
Nov 23-25
A storm system will plague the New England area.
Nov 24-26
An intensifying storm will deliver its rainy message to the Mississippi Valley as well and push eastward. The Louisiana and Mississippi area are expected to receive a concentrated dose of wet weather.
Nov 24-28
With Uranus' direct station on the 24th, and the Sun's first square to the most recent Lunar Eclipse inclement weather should hit the Northeast. Uranus is a cold and dry weather breeder and probably indicates a strong cold front, which will trigger noticeable
storms over the area.
Nov 28 - Dec 2
This five day period starts off with cold air being ushered in over the West Coast due to Venus parallel Uranus perhaps resulting in precipitation. From the 30th on, Sun square Saturn brings a major storm system, which will not only affect the Pacific Northwest but also the southern portions of California and Nevada.

Nov 28-Dec 2
The Sun's square to Saturn in the seasonal chart will upset atmospheric conditions over the eastern U.S. A storm system or a cold front triggering storms will push through the area. Potentially, weather could turn severe over the Ohio Valley.
Dietary Wisdom
- People who diet go to great lengths to avoid great widths.
- Dieting is merely a matter of keeping your mouth shut at the right time--such as breakfast, lunch & dinner.
- The ideal diet is expressed in four words: "No more, thank you."
- Overweight doesn't happen overnight. It snacks up on you.
- He who indulges, bulges.
- Diets are for people who are "thick & tired" of it.
- When it comes to eating, you can sometimes help yourself more by helping yourself less.
- Eating slowly helps to keep one slim; in other words, haste makes waist.
- Under exercising rather than overeating may well be the more important cause of overweight today.