Orthodox meteorologist will proclaim the onset of winter on December 22, 2007. They will, however, be
unknowledgeable as to how the moment of the Sun's transit over the Tropic of Capricorn will affect the very forecasts they will make throughout the season except for their very basic understanding of how solar energy will be at a minimum in the Northern Hemisphere due to the earth's tilt.
The ancients had a different understanding. An astrological chart set for the beginning of each season at the corresponding solstice or equinox afforded them more than just a broad-spectrum look at the season in question. From the planetary positions and aspects contained in the chart they extracted a more detailed look at the quality of that particular spring, summer, fall, or winter. Would it be a dry season or a windy one? Would it be a mild or a harsh winter? When would certain weather phenomena take place?
These seasonal charts are set for the moment the Sun enters each of the cardinal signs of the zodiac. The Sun’s entrance into Aries marks the beginning of spring. Similarly, the Sun’s entrance into Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn denotes the beginning of summer, fall, and winter respectively. These Cardinal Solar Ingress charts are valid for the entire season they represent.

This winter, mainstream weather forecasters will not notice the angular positions of the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto over the Mississippi Valley. Nor will they perceive, Saturn, and Uranus ascending and descending over the western U.S. with the Moon occupying the
Midheaven there as well.
All of these planets will leave their mark on the winter season. That is because planets that fall on the angles i.e. the Ascendant, Descendant,
Midheaven, and
IC of these Cardinal Solar Ingress charts have been observed to impress their individual and combined influences on the weather.
Following are some long-range forecasts for January 2008 based on the Solar Ingress Chart.
January 3-5, 2008
Venus will begin to affect the western U.S. at this time. Its influence generally increases temperatures and moisture. Expect a southerly air flow to bring precipitation to the West Coast States of Washington, Oregon, Nevada, and California.
January 5-7, 2008The West Coast continues to remain unsettled as a stormy pattern persists over the area.
January 5-7, 2008The Rockies is under the influence of the Sun's
sextile to Uranus. Cold, dry air pushes southward over the Rockies. If enough moisture is in place, storms may be triggered.
January 6-8, 2008
Mercury and Uranus are considered cold planets in
astrometeorology. The Sun's
sextile to Uranus and its parallel to Mercury are the main influences at work over the Northeast U.S. These planetary aspects with the Sun argue a strong cold front with perhaps windy conditions over the region.
January 11-14, 2008Cold, dry air from the north will clash with a warm, moist air mass over the Rockies generating a good storm system over the area.
January 18-20, 2008
The Venus-Mars opposition on the 19
th will affect the central Plains states and Texas. Along with the combined effect of Mercury's parallel to Pluto, this should result in storms there.
January 20-22, 2007
trine to Saturn brings a lower range of temperatures and fair conditions. These conditions should be observed from the East Central States through the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast as well as on the West Coast.
January 23-27, 2008
The eastern Plains and the Mississippi Valley are the focal points for severe weather during this five-day stretch. As is the case in most severe weather scenarios, warm and cold air masses collide resulting in storms. The 26
th and 27
th seem to be the most intense days.
January 29-Feb 2, 2008
Mars now begins its direct movement after more than three months of retrograde motion. Mars is equated with warmth and dryness. Its position over 99 west longitude affects southern Texas northward through the Great Plains where we should see an increase in temperatures and dry conditions.
While weather patterns seem, at times, to move incoherently across the earth’s surface, there is an underlying order that God has established. This orderliness is made apparent when weather patterns are compared to planetary aspects, and Ingress and
lunation charts. The premise that planetary influence specifically aids in the creation of our weather is dismissed as utter foolishness by modern science. This may account for their present-day lack of any long-range forecast capability. It could be worth their while to investigate it though, as it
wouldn’t be the first time that the foolishness of God proves to be wiser than men!
More December 2007 ForecastsIntroduction to the Weather AlternativeHow Long-Range Forecasts Are Made