The National Weather Service had two reports of tornadoes touching down northwest of Little Rock, Arkansas, on Tuesday morning.
On Monday night, the weather service received reports of 37 tornadoes sweeping through Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois and Wisconsin.

REMINGTON, Indiana (AP) -- Flooded rivers began receding Wednesday across a swath of northern Indiana where three people drowned as melting snow and heavy rain swelled rivers during an unusual January warm streak.
All the states mentioned in this week's severe weather, Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Arkansas, lie in the path of the five planet grouping shown in the Solar Ingress astro-locality map above. This map is the main reference point for this winter's weather. A closer examination of the map shows conjunctions between the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Pluto all of which oppose Mars. As the season progresses and as these planets are triggered by transiting aspects, different weather scenarios develop.

Adding to the astrological instigators was Pluto's trigger to the September 22, 2006 solar eclipse degree. On Sunday January 6th, Pluto squared the solar eclipse degree. As stated by G. J. McCormack, the 20th Century's most famous astro-meteorologist, "It has been demonstrated by exhaustive observations and voluminous statistical data that transits of superior planets to the conjunction, opposition, or 90 degree angles to the degree of eclipse points are the true indicators and timing factors of effects."
At the time of eclipse, the Sun and Moon were ascending along 88 west longitude, which coincides with the area of recent severe weather.

John, in his apocalyptic vision, sees the same mighty Conqueror going forth. "I saw (he says) a white horse, and He that sat on him had a bow,...and He went forth conquering and to conquer" (Rev 6:2).
This is precisely what is foreshadowed in the star-pictured sign now called by the modern Latin name Sagittarius, which means the Archer.
The Hebrew and Syriac name of the sign is Kesith, which means the Archer (as in Genesis 21:20). The Arabic name is Al Kaus, the arrow. In Coptic it is Pimacre, the graciousness, or beauty of the coming forth. In Greek it is Toxotes, the archer, and in Latin Sagittarius.
In the ancient Zodiac of Denderah he is called (as in Coptic) Pi-maere, i.e. graciousness, beauty of the appearing or coming forth. The characters under the hind foot read Knem, which means He conquers.
The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger
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