Dec 23-26
Mercury’s sextile and trine to Uranus and Saturn, which are paired up over the Great Plains, will bring abruptly falling temperatures courtesy of a northwest wind. At the same time, Mars runs along the length of the East Coast as it aspects Mercury. This duo is known for exciting sudden bursts of whipping winds. This may materialize as the result of a low pressure area or front pushing eastward toward the coast.
The Weather Channel map above for December 23rd shows a low pressure area over the Plains and windy conditions. They reported "Wintry weather is on the way once again for portions of the Central U.S. A storm system developing in the Central Plains will bring snow over the Upper Midwest, freezing rain...from eastern Kansas into the Ohio Valley, snow...along the southern Great Lakes tonight, with a wintry mix from eastern Kansas through...Missouri,...Illinois,... Indiana,...Ohio,...Michigan. Freezing rain...from eastern Oklahoma through Arkansas to western Tennessee... Winds will also become an issue as the area of low pressure deepens and moves eastward.
The second part of the forecast mentioned a low pressure area and/or front pushing toward the East Coast and generating whipping winds.
The Weather Channel map at right for December 25th shows the low pressure area over eastern Canada and a cold front along the length of the East Coast.
The National Weather Service posted wind warnings on December 23rd and 24th for New York State, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington DC, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Maine, Georgia, and Virginia.
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made
Steps Towards Better Communication with Teens
--Think before I speak
--Listen without interrupting
--Avoid a judgmental tone of voice
--Speak calmly without raising my voice
--Ask questions that promote interesting conversation
--Talk to my teen the way I want my teen to talk to me