This astrometeorological technique notes the time when the outer planets make hard aspects to previous solar eclipse degrees. Hard aspects are conjunctions, squares, and oppositions. There is usually an atmospheric reaction that accompanies these aspects over the areas where the Sun and Moon were angular at the time of eclipse.
August 6-9, 2009
Mars squares the degree of the September 11, 2007 solar eclipse on the August 7th. The Sun and Moon were rising through the Rockies and Mexico. A particularly vulnerable spot is the area about 170 miles south of Guadalajara, Mexico, (see the circled area in the above map) which may respond with the formation some sort of tropical system. The U.S. Rockies may also experience a low pressure system or front triggering storms at this time.
August 22-24, 2009
Mars and Mercury will square the solar eclipse of March 18, 2007. The Sun and Moon were setting off the U.S. West Coast and square Pluto at the time of eclipse. This could indicate the development of a tropical system in the intertropical convergence zone at this time. I’m referring roughly here to the area around 128 west longitude and between 10 to 20 degrees north latitude.
August 23-26, 2009
Mars and Mercury will also conjoin the September 22, 2006 solar eclipse degree as they square each other. The 88th degree of west longitude is where these will play out. This highlights the area from Chicago down through Mobile. The southern portion, from Mobile into the Gulf and through the Yucatan into Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador are in a hurricane strike zone. In other words the continental U.S. may experience strong storms and windy conditions, but the Gulf on into Central America could very well see the formation of a tropical system. The Solar Ingress chart also highlights this very same area adding a confirmation of the possibility. See the large circled area in the above map.
Sept 7-10, 2009
Mars will trigger the solar eclipse of March 29, 2006. The Sun and Moon ascended through Nova Scotia and transit Mars will cut through the Windward Islands at this time. Severe weather, which may be tropical in nature, may afflict these areas now.
Sept 23-26, 2009
Mercury will oppose Uranus on the 23rd. During hurricane season these two are known to coincide with tropical storm and/or hurricane development. Jupiter will also get into the act by triggering the solar eclipse of February 6, 2008. The area between 52 and 60 west longitude and around 17 north latitude, in other words about 450 miles east of the Windward Islands is an area where tropical storm or hurricane development is likely.
Solar Eclipse Action For June and July 2009
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How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made
We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak less.
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows something.
Do you have an observation concerning the present heat wave in the Northwest?
I haven't studied this in depth. But looking at Accuweather reports about the heat wave, things seem to have started to heat up around July 22nd.
The Solar (Cancer)Ingress shows that around this time the transit Sun and transit Mercury began passing over that area of the country. The heat seems due to their passage over the area in the sign Leo, which is known for its heat being a fire sign.
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