In the next posts we'll be looking at different weather scenarios that develop during hurricane season and that involve these outer planetary aspects as well as other important ones.
Between the 4th and 7th of June, there are some interesting planetary aspects that affect the New England area. Venus will square Mars on the 4th, the same day as the Full Moon, which is a SuperMoon since the Moon is at its closest approach to Earth. Then on the 5th and the 7th, the Sun will conjoin Venus and square Mars, once again triggering the Venus-Mars square. On the 5th, the Moon will square Uranus and conjoin Pluto activating their approaching square.
The Solar Ingress chart on the 5th shows the Sun-Venus conjunction crossing Uranus at 69 degrees west longitude as it the Moon squares it. This "X marks the spot" just off the southern coast of Maine represents an area of possible severe weather.

The square between Venus and Mars always coincides with increasing temperatures. The Sun's conjunction to Venus is accompanied by pluvial indications and the Sun's square to Mars disrupts the atmosphere. If nothing else, we may see a dramatic increase in temperatures over New England, but with the Uranus-Pluto square being triggered as well, bringing a colder air mass into the picture, along with the disruptive influences already mentioned, I'm thinking that there will be atmospheric disturbance over the area. This might manifest in severe storms or as a worst case scenario, a possible early tropical system.
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
Texas Summer 2012
New Weather Alternative Website
Overview of UK Winter 2012-13
The Winters of 2011-14
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
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