The Jupiter-Neptune opposition of September of this year was triggered on November 17th. Since the opposition fell over California and the Pacific Northwest, I expect rain to visit the area. The National Weather Service reported on November 17th that heavy rain was possible over parts of the Cascades due to a wave of low pressure coming from the Pacific Ocean. Showers and higher elevation snow was to push into the Pacific Northwest and the Intermountain West. Below, the Weather Channel map for the 17th shows the front and rain.

The next forecast period was that of November 25-30. I expected strong storms or a series of fronts to deliver rain to California and the surrounding area. On the 24th, Winter Weather messages were posted by the National Weather Service for Oregon and northern and central California. Brief blizzard conditions were experienced throughout the area. The main event that was experienced for the rest of the forecast period was windy and cold conditions that affected the forecast area due to a cold upper level low that stationed itself over the Great Basin area. A number of wind advisories and freeze warnings were issued during the forecast period for California.
On the last day of the forecast period (30th), rounds of storms began to impact Washington, Oregon, and California. These storms continued throughout the first week of December.
The hurricane forecast called for possible tropical activity south of Louisiana in the Gulf and also around the Turks and Caicos Islands from November 24-27. No hurricane activity was reported over the Islands. No tropical system developed in the Gulf either, however, on the 26th the National Weather Service reported that moisture was spreading northward from the Gulf of Mexico causing rainfall amounts of 3 to 9 inches, with locally higher amounts, from central and southern Texas to the mid-Mississippi Valley. On the 27th, two to five inches of rain affected the lower and middle Mississippi Valley. Over the next few days flash flooding continued over the lower Mississippi Valley. My take on this is that the planetary alignment between Saturn and Neptune that I expected could be indicative of a tropical system, was, nevertheless fulfilling its moisture-enhancing function that astro-meteorology recognizes it has by feeding moisture from the Gulf in to the area.
Links to Other Long-range Weather Forecasts and Forecast Results
Hurricane Dolores Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast
Hurricane Season 2015 Long-range Weather Predictions
Tropical Cyclone Hadi
Hurricane Erick Fulfills Long-range Forecast
Tropical Storm Andrea Fulfills Long-range Forecast!
Timing the Relief for Drought-Stricken U.S. Plains
Testing Astrometeorology Part 2
Hurricane Sandy Fulfills Long-range Weather Prediction!
Testing Astrometeorology Part 1
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
New Weather Alternative Website
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative