The first forecast pinpointed the southern tip of Baja, California as a place ripe for tropical storm or hurricane activity at this time. The reason was that the last alignment between Uranus and Pluto in March of 2015 placed these two planets over that area as shown in the astro-locality map below.

Between July 15-17 the conjunction of Mercury and Mars in opposition to Pluto would fall on this planetary crossing and activate it bringing the possibility of a tropical system over this area. The AccuWeather map below from their July 16th post on Hurricane Dolores shows the category 4 hurricane affecting western Mexico and the Baja, thus fulfilling the forecast.

The next area mentioned in the forecast had to do with the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico. At this location, the Mercury-Mars-Pluto alignment would trigger the previous lunar eclipse of April 2015. The forecast called for possible tropical activity over this region.
Between July 15th and 17th, two tropical waves passed over the Yucatan according to Mexico's national weather service (Servico Meteorológico National). The first tropical wave brought electrical storms, rain, and winds of up to 20 mph with gusts reaching 30 mph. The second one brought 1 to 2 inches of rain over the Yucatan with 2 to 3 inches of rain over the states directly west of the Yucatan. The next map below for the 17th shows Tropical Wave 17 passing over the forecast area.

Links to Other Long-range Weather Forecasts and Forecast Results
Hurricane Season 2015 Long-range Weather Predictions
Tropical Cyclone Hadi
Hurricane Erick Fulfills Long-range Forecast
Tropical Storm Andrea Fulfills Long-range Forecast!
Timing the Relief for Drought-Stricken U.S. Plains
Testing Astrometeorology Part 2
Hurricane Sandy Fulfills Long-range Weather Prediction!
Testing Astrometeorology Part 1
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
New Weather Alternative Website
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
New Ice Age Coming?
Winter is coming: Earth awaits "mini ice age" in 15 years, solar cycle study suggests (click title to read)

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