As mentioned in a previous post, the direct station of Uranus affects the Pacific Northwest. This planet is known for its cold influence and wind-generating capabilities especially since it aligns in opposition to Jupiter...This should begin to manifest from the 29th through the first few days of January 2017.
The National Weather Service reported the following:
December 30
...Below normal temperatures and more rain and snow moves in by Saturday (Dec 31st) across the Northwest...
December 31
...Heavy snow possible from portions of the Pacific Northwest to the northern Rockies...
Jan 1
...Areas of heavy snow possible from the Pacific Northwest to the northern plains and Upper Midwest...
Jan 2
...cold air is expected to remain in place as an upper-level trough remains overhead. Additionally, an arctic surface front will drift south through Monday, ushering another round of frigid air associated with an arctic surface high into areas from the Pacific Northwest to the northern plains. The continued presence of upper-level energy will keep areas of snow in the forecast from portions of the Pacific Northwest and northern California to the Rockies on Monday, with heavy snow possible for some areas.
Here's the Weather Channel's map for January 1, 2017

The next forecast focused on the Southeastern U.S. and Mid-Atlantic.
We will most likely find meteorologists focusing their attention here as moisture is made available to fuel storms and is drawn northward over the Carolinas and into the Mid-Atlantic. The map above for January 1st also shows the stormy conditions over the Carolinas and into the Mid-Atlantic.
On January 2nd, Accuweather posted the following headline:
Severe thunderstorms to trigger flash flooding in southeastern US
Links to Other Long-range Weather Forecasts and Forecast Results
January 6-8, 2017 Long-range Weather Forecasts
Hurricane Hermine, TD8, and the August 24-28, 2016 Forecast Results
Hurricane Dolores Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast
Hurricane Season 2015 Long-range Weather Predictions
Tropical Cyclone Hadi
Hurricane Erick Fulfills Long-range Forecast
Tropical Storm Andrea Fulfills Long-range Forecast!
Timing the Relief for Drought-Stricken U.S. Plains
Testing Astrometeorology Part 2
Hurricane Sandy Fulfills Long-range Weather Prediction!
Testing Astrometeorology Part 1
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
New Weather Alternative Website
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative