On the 26th, the Weather Channel reported
Active Northwest and Midwest
A storm system will impact the Pacific Northwest today, bringing rain, mountain snow, and gusty winds to area.
Gusty winds will be felt as far south as southern California.
Snow advisories are in effect for much of the Oregon Cascades and the coastal range. Snow levels around 1000 feet, could drop to 500 feet by tonight.
The Weather Channel's report for the 27th read
A new storm system will bring a cold front into the Pacific Northwest on Friday, renewing the threat for heavy rain over western Washington and Oregon, but also extending that threat into northern and central California.
Heavy snow will increase through the Cascades, into the northern California Mountains.
Gusty winds will also develop through the Northwest, and extend into parts of the Southwest as well.
Similar reports were issued on the 28th, 29th, and 30th confirming the long-range forecast.

The Accuweather map at left above for March 29th called for a potentially serious situation in the country's midsection with possible rainfall amounts of 4 to 5 inches and more flooding.

At the same time a storm brought howling winds and snow to the northern Plains.
Finally, The Weather Alternative long-range forecast called for a low pressure system and possible blizzard conditions for the Northeast from the 27th through the 31st.
The Weather Channel map at left for the 28th shows a low pressure area bringing rain and snow over the Northeast and New England. Tomorrow, April 1st, locally heavy rain and gusty winds are expected but no blizzard conditions have been mentioned.
All in all, the Full Moon indications have played themselves out very well, and have been a good indication of the weather that resulted.
Thoughts About the End of March
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made
Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
Anti Global Warming Skeptics are a Tiny, Tiny Minority, says Gore. However, science is not based on what the majority says but on observation and experimentation. Many popularly held theories were wrong as history attests.
“If you had a million dollars in the bank but didn’t know how to write a check, it wouldn’t do you much good, would it? If you had a car in your garage but had lost the key with which to start it, you wouldn’t get anywhere very fast, would you? That’s about the way humanity is operating today. Quite a few years ago, when I was unhappy and greatly troubled, I found out how I can call upon a power that, if I used the right key, would always give me everything I needed . . . Why not try God?” --Mary Pickford