March 2-5
As Mercury perfects its parallel to Uranus around March 2nd, a cold air mass will be pulled southward from northern Russia into China. The pattern continues until March 5th when Mercury conjoins Uranus over the longitude of Beijing. This, coupled with the Venus-Saturn opposition on the 4th, argues a big winter storm affecting the eastern portion of China south of Beijing.
This first map from the China Meteorological Administration is for a blizzard in northeast China on March 5th. This is further north than my forecast area.

New England/Canada
March 1-5
The same period is earmarked to be very cold, windy, and stormy over New England and eastern Canada especially around the 3rd when the Sun opposes Mars. The bigger picture seems to include a winter storm that affects the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast first.
Southern California/Front Range of Rockies
March 2-5
Other winter weather anomalies at this time are indicated over southern California and the Front Range of the Rockies.
The Accuweather map below is for March 2nd when strong winds buffeted southern California with wind gusts over 60 mph. Also between the 1st and the 2nd a strong winter storm hit the Intermountain West and pushed over the Front Range of the Rockies bringing snow form Colorado through Montana.
March 1-5
The position of Uranus in the Solar Ingress affecting Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy, will be activated by Mercury's parallel and conjunction bringing a cold, blustery air mass to the region. Around the 3rd, Ireland and Portugal should see a robust front or system affecting their weather due to the Sun's conjunction to Mars.
On the 3rd, very windy conditions were experienced over the North Sea and Balearics. Rain hit western parts of the U.K. with heavy showers and breezy conditions and northwestern parts of Iberia. It turned increasingly wintry in Northern Ireland.
On the 5th, very windy with gales across the eastern channel into the Low Countries. Strong gales too across the south of France. Colder with showers across Britain and northern France with rain into Belgium, Holland and western Germany with snow across Denmark. There was a risk of heavier snow across the Alps.
Winter 2011-12 The Rockies
Winter 2011-12 West Coast
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
Update on Winter 2011-12
Texas Summer 2012
New Weather Alternative Website
Overview of UK Winter 2012-13
The Winters of 2011-14
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
Well, if that were really true, then how could they be absolutely sure that
there was no absolute truth?
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