For thousands of years, astro-meteorologists have recognized that solar and lunar eclipses are the precursors of earthquakes, droughts, famines, inundations, epidemics and other major causes. Here on the pages of The Weather Alternative we've looked at these from time to time showing their effectiveness.
In a recent post entitled Atlantic Storm Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast, I posted the results of a long-range weather forecast I had published in the June edition of Dell Horoscope. This forecast was based on the solar eclipse of May 2012 and the fact that the Mars-Saturn alignment of Sept. 25th would activate the eclipse. In the forecast, I mentioned that disruptive atmospheric conditions would hit the Carolinas between September 24-27. An Atlantic storm formed at this time and clobbered the Carolinas with rain and gusty winds.
Little did I realize that the solar eclipse of May 2012 would remain activated past that point as Saturn would linger in opposition to the eclipse degree through the end of September. When looking at an astro-locality map for the May 2012 solar eclipse, here's what we see.

The areas circled in red are areas where two planets cross each other. The planets crossing over the South Carolina coast are Jupiter and Neptune. It just so happens that since Saturn is still activating the eclipse degree, Mars and Venus are both transiting over the positions Jupiter and Neptune held at the time of the eclipse, thus focusing weather patterns there. Neptune, for example, is known for its flooding influence on weather. Today's National Weather Service map shows North and South Carolina as well as Virginia highlighted in green. This indicates that they've posted various Flood and Flash Flood Watches and Warnings.

As mentioned in my other post, this particular eclipse had shown the time and place of tropical systems such as Alberto, Beryl, Debbie, and Sandy. In addition to the flooding conditions just mentioned, major Hurricane Joaquin is forecast to impact over 65 million from South Carolina to Massachusetts. Referring to our astro-locality map, we see a red circle over New England. Mars and Jupiter crossed there. We've already mentioned that the degree of Jupiter is being activated now, but so is the degree of Mars since transit Jupiter is conjoining it. Had I realized Saturn's lingering influence on the May 2012 eclipse, I might have included warnings of a tropical system and severe weather in the Dell Horoscope article. Live and learn!
Links to Other Long-range Weather Forecasts and Forecast Results
California Drought and El Niño: Fall 2015 Forecast
Hurricane Dolores Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast
Hurricane Season 2015 Long-range Weather Predictions
Tropical Cyclone Hadi
Hurricane Erick Fulfills Long-range Forecast
Tropical Storm Andrea Fulfills Long-range Forecast!
Timing the Relief for Drought-Stricken U.S. Plains
Testing Astrometeorology Part 2
Hurricane Sandy Fulfills Long-range Weather Prediction!
Testing Astrometeorology Part 1
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
New Weather Alternative Website
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative

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