Planetary alignments at the end of August promise a
period of active weather. Some of these weather
patterns carry the potential to be tropical in nature.
These forecast are based on the alignments of the
planets of our solar system. The role of the sun in
driving earth's weather patterns is understood by
conventional meteorologists, as well as the moon's
affect on the ocean's tides. Now it would stand to
reason that the other heavenly bodies of our solar
system have some practical function as well. Many
brilliant minds throughout history have equated
terrestrial weather patterns with celestial phenomena.
Six alignments involving the sun and seven planets will disturb atmospheric conditions from August 21st through the 28
th. Here are some ideas of how they will most likely
affect our weather.
August 20-25:The Sun's conjunction to Saturn indicates the possibility of a tropical system or at least tropical moisture off the
Carolinas in the western Atlantic that affects the Southeast (
Carolinas). Since other planetary indicators involve the Northeast and New England, one scenario could be that a tropical system that hits the
Carolinas and then creeps up the coast to New England.
Another possibility would involve a severe weather system, not tropical in nature, over the Mid-Atlantic States and New England characterized by strong thunderstorms, damaging winds, and heavy downpours.
August 26-30:Triggers to the Lunar Eclipse of March 2007 should bring a potent weather system over the Mid-Atlantic and through the Northeast. This may be tropical as was the last time the Sun triggered the eclipse in June. At that time the remnants of TS Barry visited the area. If
not an actual tropical system, at least strong storms assail the area.
Other areas that stand out for possible tropical activity or at the least some type of severe weather are the eastern Great Lakes, the
Carolinas and the West* Coast of Florida.
(* correction added Aug 26, 2007--after checking records, this should read East Coast of Florida)
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Hurricane Season 2007 and
July 2007 Hurricane and Severe Weather OutlookInteresting quote:Dr. von Braun, well known for his part in pioneering the U.S. space program, said that he had “essentially scientific” reasons for believing in life after death. He explained: “Science has found that nothing can disappear without a trace. Nature does not know extinction. All it knows is transformation. If God applies the fundamental principle to the most minute
and insignificant parts of the universe, doesn't it make sense to assume that He applies it to the masterpiece of His creation -- the human soul? I think it does.”