Following are some dates and places that stand out to me as having potential for tropical storm and/or hurricane formation this June. Sometimes, of course, these weather patterns manifest as some non-tropical weather system, but since we are in hurricane season, it remains a possibility.
These long-range forecasts are based on planetary cycles.
June 9-11
Planetary cycles involving Mercury, Mars, and Neptune are active now. All together this exposes the East Coast areas from Cape Hatteras through New England to a good chance of hurricane or tropical storm activity. Of course, it may manifest as some other type of severe weather pattern that is not tropical in nature, but it is still a chance nonetheless. The tropical system could center about 290 miles due south of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina around the 10th of June and begin to track along the coast to Long Island and southern New England.
June 17-20
A severe weather event is indicated over the New England-Nova Scotia area between these dates. A strong low pressure system and high velocity winds are indicated, hence, this could be a tropical system affecting the area.
June 23-26
Two places stand out as likely to experience severe weather, which may manifest as a tropical system. The first is New England-Nova Scotia area again. The second is the area roughly around 240 to 270 miles north of the Dominican Republic. This area may be the spawning grounds for a tropical system. There is the possibility that this is the system that affects the New England-Nova Scotia area or these weather events may be unrelated.
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made
Bodily exercise, when compulsory, does no harm to the body; But knowledge which is acquired under compulsion obtains no hold on the mind. --Plato
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