Oct 4-7
The Mercury-Saturn conjunction triggers the solar eclipse of July 11, 2010. Its influence zeros in on the area about 275 miles southwest of Cabo San Lucas on the Baja California. This, along with other indications, points toward the likelihood of a tropical system that will approach the Baja threatening the area with tropical storm or hurricane conditions.
This was closely fulfilled by Hurricane Irwin as shown in a previous post.

Oct 9-10
This period shows more threatening weather centering off the coast of the northern Baja Peninsula and may just be part of the storm system mentioned in the Oct 4-7 forecast.
No threatening weather was reported.
Oct 26-29
With the Moon at its closest approach to earth on the 26th, weather patterns often intensify. This coincides with the squares of Mercury and Venus to Mars. Astro-locality maps place these configurations over an area in and around the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and its southern neighbor, Belize. Chances are very strong now for a tropical system to form in the western Caribbean or be drawn to this area from further east endangering this portion of Mexico and Central America.
Further north along the Louisiana coast, a low pressure system which may be tropical in nature, is indicated at this time.
This forecast was fulfilled by Hurricane Rina as mentioned in another post. No low pressure system developed over Louisiana.

Oct 31- Nov 1
The area about 200 miles south of western Cuba in the Caribbean, roughly around 82 west longitude and 20 north latitude, will be the focal point for the double squares of Mercury and Venus to Neptune. The eight planet from the Sun, Neptune, is known in astro-meteorology for its pluvial influence. This set up fits the bill for possible heavy downpours in this area, so the development of a tropical system is likely.

Hurricane Rina Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast!
Hurricane Irwin Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast!
Update on Winter 2011-12
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Tropical Storm Lee Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast
Hurricane Irene Closely Fulfills Long-range Forecast
New Weather Alternative Website
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Hurricane Risk-Management
Hurricane Season 2011 Predictions
Overview of UK Winter 2012-13
The Winters of 2011-14
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
How Long-Range Forecasts Are Made