The first astro-locality map below shows Mars and Saturn affecting the 100th degree of west longitude running through the Plains and southward through Texas and Mexico. Two places stand out in particular. Mercury crosses Mars-Saturn over the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, and, further south, the Moon crosses Mars and Saturn off the southern coast of Mexico approximately over 100 west longitude and 12 north latitude. So around the 15th of August we should see a severe weather pattern develop over the Plains with particular emphasis over the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles where destructive storms, perhaps generating hail, gusty winds, and tornadoes is possible. The crossing off the southern coast of Mexico should be watched around the 15th for the formation of tropical system.

The next map shows Mars and Saturn, represented by the white lines, crossing Mercury, shown by the blue line, over the North Sea between England and Denmark. Around the 15th of August, this area should respond with a vigorous low pressure system or strong front.

The third map shows a crossing between the Moon and Mars-Saturn around 175 east longitude and 27 south latitude. This lies about 725 miles north of New Zealand. This area should be watched for the formation or passage of a tropical cyclone around the 15th of August.

Activation Dates
The Mars-Saturn conjunction will be triggered on the following dates:
Sept 1, 2012
Oct 1, 2012
Oct 17, 2012
Nov 17, 2012
Although all four places discussed will be triggered on these dates and should respond with varying degrees of severe weather, here is a more detailed look at some of the activation dates.
Aug 29-Sept 2, 2012
The crossings over Mexico and New Zealand are activated now by Saturn and Venus.
Aug 30-Sept 2, 2012
The crossings over Texas/Oklahoma and Europe are emphasized now as Mars and Venus trigger them.
Oct 1-3, 2012
The Mexico and New Zealand crossings appear to be more active than the others due to Mercury's triggers.
Oct 17-19, 2012
The Mexico and New Zealand crossings once again receive more activation by the transit Sun.
Nov 17-19, 2012
Venus triggers the Mars-Saturn conjunction and gives extra energy to the Mexico and New Zealand crossings.
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New Weather Alternative Website
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When and How did the Universe Begin?
Did you expect this intense heat and the drought in the Midwest? I assume the Uranus-Pluto square has a lot to do with it.
When will it end?
Gary C.
Hi, Gary!
I really didn't have a forecast put together for the Midwest but I know in the Solar Ingress Mars is over 82 West. Last winter it was over the Plains and really brought on the heat. I think the Uranus-Pluto square, just triggered yesterday by Mars is what has brought those vicious storms over the Northeast and New England because Uranus is over that area in the Solar Ingress.
Effect of conjunction of Saturn and Mars on various signs/Rashi’s , see following link below.
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