The main event over the Plains and Mississippi Valley during the forecast period (June 22-30) was a heat wave breaking all-time records with triple-digit temperatures and gusty winds. How is this at all like Jupiter-Neptune's influence which is supposed to bring low pressure areas and increased precipitation? Well, according to G.J. McCormack, the 20th Century's most accurate and famous astrometeorologist, those are not the only manifestations of Jupiter-Neptune. According to McCormack we can also count on excessive humidity and higher ranges of temperature. This is more like what we got over the Central U.S. at that time. I should have included these other standard possibilities in the forecast.
Tropical Storm Debby
TS Debby formed right at the time of the Uranus-Pluto square (June 24) and the Jupiter-Neptune square (June 25). I believe the most important chart that accounts for Debby's track across northern Florida is the recent Solar Eclipse chart of May 20, 2012. Neptune and Jupiter made an important crossing right over the South Carolina-Georgia coasts at that time and we've seen a number of tropical systems form there (TS Alberto and TS Beryl) since the eclipse. My take is that Debby was being drawn toward that point. Here's the astro-locality map that shows the crossing over South Carolina and Georgia.

And here's the map of the track that conventional forecasters eventually decided on.

Conventional forecasters at first were a bit perplexed not knowing whether Debby would head west toward Mississippi and Louisiana or cut across Florida and head into the Atlantic. Here's their map for Debby's track issued the day before the one above.

In my forecast, I mentioned Mississippi for severe weather at this time and on the 24th Debby was affecting as far west as Mississippi fulfilling that forecast. The National Weather Service reported that convection from Debby was not only affecting the Florida Peninsula but westward to 88 west longitude, which is in and around Mississippi.
On the other side of Florida, I mentioned that the New Moon Chart places a crossing near the Bahamas and that tropical activity may be possible there.

When you look at the New Moon's Jupiter-Neptune crossing and compare it with a satellite picture for the 25th, you can see how Debby's influence extended to that very area. So these astro-influences account for conventional forecasters' east-west track dilemma.

I also mentioned an area off the south coast of Mexico where tropical storm formation was possible. There was a report by the Weather Channel on the 21st, stating, "A low pressure system continues focusing "Equatorial Express" moisture into the Pacific coast of Mexico with an ongoing threat of flash flooding and mudslides/landslides."
This forecast pinpointed the New England area for severe weather. On the 25th heavy rain hit New England and on the 26th the Accuweather headline stated Maine Rain Bringing Localized Flooding. Here's the Accuweathe map for the 26th.

The last portion of the forecast called for possible tropical storm development about 750 miles west of Cabo San Lucas. No storm formation was reported.
Long-range Effects of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse Part 2
Long-range effects of the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse
July 14-19, 2012 Hurricane Season Outlook
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
Texas Summer 2012
New Weather Alternative Website
Overview of UK Winter 2012-13
The Winters of 2011-14
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative
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