May 20, 2013 - Uranus square Pluto
The first event that needs to be added to the calendar is the Uranus-Pluto square on May 20th. The astro-locality map below shows that this aspect falls over the U.S. West Coast.

Since the square represents atmospheric disturbances, and Uranus signifies cold air masses with erratic winds, in stands to reason that the West Coast states could experience a strong cold front or low pressure area in and around this time that brings windy conditions and possibly some precipitation to the area.
June 7, 2013 - Neptune's Retrograde Station
The next important event is Neptune's retrograde station. One of Neptune's characteristic influences is to increase moisture. Notice from the astro-locality map below, Neptune makes a crossing with the Sun off the U.S. West Coast.

This means that moisture should be funneled up over the area in the days following. The original forecast in the first post for June 7-8 was as follows:
Mercury makes some important aspects to Uranus and Pluto. This may bring an anomalous weather pattern to the Pacific Northwest and California. It may mean stormy or windy conditions or perhaps extremes of cold before and after these dates.
Now, with the added information regarding Neptune's retrograde station at this time, an increase in moisture resulting in more of a chance of precipitation is indicated along with the above forecast. It would be wise to also extend the time period mentioned to include June 7-12 as well.
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