There are a few areas of the country that are likely to see some adverse weather conditions around New Year's Eve and into the first days of the new year. Planetary cycles involving Jupiter, Uranus, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune will be culminating between Dec 29, 2016 and January 1, 2017. Here's an idea of what to expect.
Pacific Northwest
As mentioned in a previous post, the direct station of Uranus affects the Pacific Northwest. This planet is known for its cold influence and wind-generating capabilities especially since it aligns in opposition to Jupiter. To get an idea of what kind of weather the Pacific Northwest should expect refer to this link. The influence of Uranus' direct station requires a bit of a window in which its influence on the weather is felt. This should begin to manifest from the 29th through the first few days of January 2017.
East Coast
The Mars-Saturn conjunction of August 24, 2016 will be brought to life again on New Year's Day by a Mars-Neptune conjunction. The original conjunction off the Southeast US coast (see map below) coincided with Hurricane Hermine and Tropical Depression 8 that affected the area at the end of August into the beginning of September of this year.

This area should once again spring to life. We will most likely find meteorologists focusing their attention here as moisture is made available to fuel storms and is drawn northward over the Carolinas and into the Mid-Atlantic.
East Central
The New Moon chart of December 29th, will place the aforementioned Jupiter-Uranus opposition over the East Central states as well. (See map below) This cold and windy weather maker will most likely join forces with the moisture being drawn up over the Southeast to create potentially dangerous storms during the holidays. Check with your local weather station at this time and stay safe.

Links to Other Long-range Weather Forecasts and Forecast Results
January 6-8, 2017 Long-range Weather Forecasts
Long-range Weather Forecasts December 19-30, 2016
Hurricane Hermine, TD8, and the August 24-28, 2016 Forecast Results
Hurricane Dolores Fulfills Long-range Weather Forecast
Hurricane Season 2015 Long-range Weather Predictions
Tropical Cyclone Hadi
Hurricane Erick Fulfills Long-range Forecast
Tropical Storm Andrea Fulfills Long-range Forecast!
Timing the Relief for Drought-Stricken U.S. Plains
Testing Astrometeorology Part 2
Hurricane Sandy Fulfills Long-range Weather Prediction!
Testing Astrometeorology Part 1
Hurricane Season 2011 Forecast Results
Hurricane Risk-Management
New Weather Alternative Website
Fulfilled Long-range Forecasts for Hurricane Season 2010
Introduction to the Weather Alternative